Beauty ~ Creativity ~ Catholicism

  • It all starts with beauty.

    Truth and goodness blossom when beauty feeds our subconscious mind.

    The world is starving for beauty - deep, profound beauty - but we’re all too busy to create it.

    We have too many important excuses: I have to put a roof over my head, food on my table, insurance in my pocket… “When all those needs are met,” I thought, once upon a time, “then I’ll start creating beauty.”

    Well, that’s not exactly the way it worked out. Turns out, The Lord had other plans for me.

    As He puts the ideas in our head, it’s our job to trust Him to provide, while we create in tandem with Him.

    My roof is constantly changing. I don’t usually know where my next meal is coming from. And I don’t have any insurance.

    But I’m creating beauty, I’m sharing knowledge, and I’m spending each day in prayer with Him. It all starts with beauty - the rest takes care of itself.


  • When we allow ourselves to create beauty, transferring our trust from the everyday, passing items of the world into the Lord’s all-providing hands, we move deeply into His mighty plan.

    God’s creations are far more powerful and redemptive than our own. What we create for Him becomes incredibly redemptive, mighty in evangelization, and epic in scope, when He guides our movements. It becomes a tool He utilizes for conversion.

    Your creations are meant to capture hearts, and heal the world.

    What truth are you creating today?


  • I am Catholic, and I’ve found that my faith permeates everything I create, particularly the stories that I write.

    It’s no secret that Tolkien was Catholic, but even if it was, we could read The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, and know beyond a doubt that he was not only Catholic, but strongly catechized. His deeply Catholic Imagination inspired his incredible stories, and just like his contemporary, C. S. Lewis, his work deepened as he himself deepened in his faith.

    This is a legacy I desire to possess as well. How beautiful to tell stories that glorify the Lord, while telling an incredible story!


  • How deeply I desire to abide in the redemption of the Lord! It is only through surrendering all to Him, and letting Him work through us, that we are able to accomplish anything good on this earth.

    Come Lord Jesus! Imbue us with your redemption!


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